
The completeness module is responsible for computing the photometric and obscurational completeness [Brown2005] of target stars. There are primarily two approaches to performing these computations:

  1. Via Monte Carlo methods, as in the original [Brown2005] reference. This is implemented in EXOSIMS.Completeness.BrownCompleteness.

  2. Semi-analytically, as in [Garrett2016]. This is implemented in EXOSIMS.Completeness.GarrettCompleteness.

Because the computations in either approach are so intensive, the completeness prototype actually does not perform any calculations at all, rather returning a constant value of completeness for all targets. This is useful in cases where you wish to instantiate a full survey simulation (or any other module requiring a Completeness object) but do not actually need the completeness values. Use of the prototype completeness in these cases will significantly speed things up. However, for running real survey simulations, another implementation must be used.


Fig. 24 shows the initialization of the Completeness prototype.

Completeness initialization flow chart

Fig. 24 Initialization of a Completeness module.

If the Input Specification includes attribute completeness_specs (see the next section) then a PlanetPopulation and PlanetPhysicalModel will be generated based on the contents of that attribute. Otherwise, those modules will be generated from the standard modules list. Afterwards, two class methods will be called in succession:

  1. generate_cache_names(): Generate filenames for any caching to be done by the completeness module

  2. completeness_setup(): Perform any implementation-specific computations required by the completeness module.

Both of these methods have returns, and set class attributes only. This allows for simple overloading of the particular computations to be executed.

Different Planet Populations for Completeness

EXOSIMS allows for the calculation of completeness using a different planet population and/or physical model from the one used to populate the simulated universe used in the survey simulation. This functionality is intended to simulate the effects of our current lack of knowledge of the true planet population. The functionality is enabled by adding an optional completeness_specs dictionary to the Input Specification. This sub-dictionary must contain its own sub-dictionary called modules, containing keys for PlanetPopulation and (optionally) PlanetPhyiscalModel, as well as any inputs to be passed on instantiation of these modules.

Below is an example of (part of) the input specification utilizing this functionality:

      "PlanetPopulation": "JupiterTwin",
      "PlanetPhyiscalModel":" "
  "modules": {
    "PlanetPopulation": "KeplerLike2",
    "StarCatalog": "EXOCAT1",
    "OpticalSystem": "Nemati",
    "ZodiacalLight": "Stark",
    "BackgroundSources": " ",
    "PlanetPhysicalModel": "Forecaster",
    "Observatory": "WFIRSTObservatoryL2",
    "TimeKeeping": " ",
    "PostProcessing": " ",
    "Completeness": "BrownCompleteness",
    "TargetList": " ",
    "SimulatedUniverse": "KeplerLikeUniverse",
    "SurveySimulation": "SLSQPScheduler",
    "SurveyEnsemble": " "

In this example, the target completeness will be evaluated using the JupiterTwin planet population with the prototype physical model. The simulated universe, on the other hand, will be populated based on the KeplerLike2 planet population and the Forecaster planet physical model. Note also that the JupiterTwin population will be instantiated with input eta=1, whereas the KeplerLike2 instance will not get this input (in order to set the eta input for the planet population listed in the main modules dictionary, it would have to be set elsewhere in the input specification, outside of the completeness_specs dictionary).

This specific example is illustrating a fairly common use case: optimizing the survey for a particular sub-population of planets (in this case Jupiter analogs), but running the survey simulation on a synthetic universe populated by all types of planets.

In the case where the completeness_specs dictionary is omitted, the default behavior is to use the same planet population and physica model for all modules that need them. The behavior in the presence of completeness_specs is shown schematically in Fig. 25,

EXOSIMS instantiation tree with completeness_specs

Fig. 25 The same schematic representation as in Fig. 1, but in the case where the Input Specification includes a completeness_specs dictionary. In this case, the PlanetPopulation and PlanetPhysicalModel objects accessed as attributes of the Completeness object (i.e., Completeness.PlanetPopulation) are distinct from the ones accessed as attributes of the TargetList object. In the default behaivor (as in Fig. 1), they are the same objects, such that TargetList.PlanetPopulation is TargetList.Completeness.PlanetPopulation evaluates to True. In this case, however, the same statement would evaluate as False.