
The target list modules take catalog data from a StarCatalog object and, using additional information and methods from Completeness, OpticalSystem, and ZodiacalLight objects, generate an input target list for a survey simulation. The basic functionality is fully implemented by the TargetList prototype, with other implementations focused on special cases, such as the KnownRVPlanetsTargetList. The end result is an object analogous to the StarCatalog, with target attributes stored in equally sized numpy.ndarrays. Fig. 30 shows the initialization of the TargetList prototype.

flowchart TB subgraph TLinit["<pre>TargetList.__init__</pre>"] direction TB subgraph submods[Instantiate submodules] direction LR SM1[StarCatalog]--- SM2[OpticalSystem]--- SM3[ZodiacalLight]--- SM4[PostProcessing]--- SM5[Completeness] linkStyle 0 stroke-width:0px linkStyle 1 stroke-width:0px linkStyle 2 stroke-width:0px linkStyle 3 stroke-width:0px end B0([" "])---B1([Assign reserved keywords to attributes and copy to: <pre>self._outspec</pre>])-->submods style B0 fill:none,stroke-width:0px linkStyle 4 stroke-width:0px subgraph detmode[Identify detection mode] B3{<pre>int_WA</pre> is None} B3 -- True --> B4{"<pre>detmode[OWA]</pre>is infinite"} B4 -- True --> B5("<pre>int_WA = 2*detmode[IWA]</pre>") B4 -- False --> B6("<pre>int_WA = 1/2 * (detmode[IWA] + detmode[OWA])</pre>") B5 & B6-->B7([Assign <pre>int_WA</pre> and <pre>int_dMag</pre> as array attributes]) B3 --> False -->B7 end submods-->detmode detmode--> B8[["<pre>self.set_catalog_attributes()</pre> Populates catalog_atts and required_catalog_atts"]] B8-->B9[["<pre>self.populate_target_list()</pre>Copies catalog_atts from StarCatalog"]] B9-->B10(["<pre>if self.popStars is not None()</pre>Remove all targets in popStars"]) subgraph fillphot["<pre>self.fillPhotometryVals()</pre>"] direction TB subgraph foreachtarg["For Each Target"] direction LR B12{"Spectral type can be determined"} B12 -- False --> B13{"<pre>self.fillPhotometry</pre> is True and type can be determined from other data"} B13 -- True --> B14{"Target is White dwarf or subdwarf"} B13 -- False --> B15([Drop Target]) B12 -- True --> B14 B14 -- True --> B15 B14 -- False --> B16([Keep Target]) end B11([" "])---foreachtarg style B11 fill:none,stroke-width:0px linkStyle 23 stroke-width:0px subgraph fillphot2["<pre>if self.fillPhotometry is True</pre>"] direction LR B17(["Fill as many missing values as possible for <pre>MV, L, BC, Vmag, Bmag, BV</pre>"])--> B18(["<pre> if self.fillMissingBandMags is True</pre> Fill as many other band mags as possible"]) end foreachtarg-->fillphot2 end B10 --> fillphot fillphot-->B19[["<pre>self.nan_filter()</pre> Remove targets with NaN in any required_catalog_atts"]] subgraph othercalcs["Fill Other Target Properties as Needed"] direction LR B20[["<pre>self.stellar_Teff()</pre>"]]--- B21[["<pre>self.stellar_mass()</pre>"]]--- B22[["<pre>self.stellar_diameter()</pre>"]]--- B23[["<pre>self.gen_inclinations()</pre>Generate system plane inclination"]] linkStyle 28 stroke-width:0px linkStyle 29 stroke-width:0px linkStyle 30 stroke-width:0px end B19-->othercalcs subgraph calcsatandcutoff["<pre>self.calc_saturation_and_intCutoff_vals()</pre>Calculate saturation and intCutoff delta mags and completeness values"] direction LR B240([" "]) style B240 fill:none,stroke-width:0px subgraph calcsatsub1[" "] direction TB B24a[["<pre>self.OpticalSystem.calc_saturation_dMag()</pre>"]]--> B24b[["<pre>self.Completeness.comp_calc()"]] end style calcsatsub1 fill:none,stroke-width:0px subgraph calcsatsub2[" "] direction TB B24c[["<pre>self.OpticalSystem.calc_dMag_per_intTime(intCutoff)</pre>"]]--> B24d[["<pre>self.Completeness.comp_calc()"]] end style calcsatsub2 fill:none,stroke-width:0px calcsatsub1 --- calcsatsub2 end othercalcs-->calcsatandcutoff linkStyle 34 stroke-width:0px subgraph compcalcs["Completeness Calculations"] direction LR B25[["<pre>self.Completeness.target_completeness()</pre>Calculate completeness for each target"]]--- B26[["<pre> self.Completeness.gen_update()</pre>Generate dynamic completeness data"]] linkStyle 36 stroke-width:0px end calcsatandcutoff-->compcalcs compcalcs--> B27[["<pre> self.filter_target_list()</pre>Apply any other requested filtering"]] end

Fig. 30 TargetList Prototype __init__.

After parsing keyword inputs and instantiating objects of StarCatalog, OpticalSystem, PostProcessing, ZodiacalLight, and Completeness, the prototype TargetList initialization calls populate_target_list(), which makes StarCatalog attribute property arrays attributes of the TargetList object, fills in missing photometric data (if the fillPhotometry keyword input is set to True), and assigns each target system additional, computed attributes:

  • The true and approximate stellar mass (attributes MsEst and MsTrue , respectively), calculated in stellar_mass(). The estimated mass is based on the Mass-Luminosity relationship from [Henry1993] and the ‘true’ mass is equal to the estimated mass of each star plus a randomly generated Gaussian value with mean 0 and standard deviation of 7% (the error associated with the fit in that publication).

  • The inclination of the target system’s orbital plane (attribute I), calculated in gen_inclinations(). This is used only if the commonSystemInclinations keyword input to the SimulatedUniverse is set to True. The inclinations are sinusoidally distributed, within the bounds set by the PlanetPopulation attribute Irange.

  • The \(\Delta\textrm{mag}\) and completeness values associated with the integration cutoff time set in the OpticalSystem and the saturation integration time (i.e., the point at which these values stop changing). For optical systems where there is no fundamental noise floor (i.e., where SNR can always be increased with additional integration time) the saturation \(\Delta\textrm{mag}\) is effectively infinite, but the saturation completeness is limited to the maximum obscurational completeness for that system (see [Brown2005] for details). These values, along with the user-selectable \(\Delta\textrm{mag}_\textrm{int}\) and \(WA_\textrm{int}\) are calculated in calc_saturation_and_intCutoff_vals(), which calls helper methods calc_saturation_dMag() and calc_intCutoff_dMag().

  • The single-visit Completeness (attribute int_comp) based on \(\Delta\textrm{mag}_\textrm{int}\).

Finally, the whole target list is filtered by filter_target_list(), based on filters selected by input keywords. The default filter set removes binary stars (or stars with close companions), systems where obscurational completeness is zero (i.e., all planets are inside the IWA or outside the OWA), and systems for which the integration cutoff completeness is less than the minComp input value.