Module Implementation

Fig. 22 and Fig. 23 show schematic representations of the three different aspects of a module, using the StarCatalog and Observatory modules as examples, respectively. Every module has a prototype that defines the module’s standard attributes and methods, including their input/output structure. Prototype implementations also frequently implement common functionality that is reused by all or most implementations of that module type. The various implementations inherit the prototype and add/overload any attributes and methods required for their particular tasks, limited only by the preset input/output scheme for prototype methods. Finally, in the course of running a simulation, an object is generated for each module class selected for that simulation. The generated objects can be used interchangeably in the downstream code, regardless of what implementation they are instances of, due to the strict interface defined in the class prototypes. These objects are always called the generic module type throughout the code (implementation class names are used only when specifying which modules to select for a given simulation).

StarCatalog module flowdown

Fig. 22 Schematic of a sample set of implementation for the StarCatalog module. The prototype (top row) is immutable, specifies the input/output structure of the module along with all common functionality, and is inherited by all StarCatalog implementations (middle row). In this case, two different catalog classes are shown: one that reads in data from a SIMBAD catalog dump, and one which contains only information about a subset of known radial velocity targets. The object used at runtime during a simulation (bottom row) is an instance of one of these three classes, is always referred to as StarCatalog in all of the code, and can be used in exactly the same way in the rest of the code due to the common input/output scheme for all required methods.

Observatory module flowdown

Fig. 23 Schematic of a sample set of implementations for the Observatory module. The prototype (top row) is immutable, specifies the input/output structure of the module along with all common functionality, and is inherited by all Observatory class implementations (middle row). In this case, two different observatory classes are shown that differ only in the definition of the observatory orbit. Therefore, the second implementation inherits the first (rather than directly inheriting the prototype) and overloads only the orbit method. The object used at runtime during a simulation (bottom row) is an instance of one of these classes, is always referred to as Observatory in all of the code, and can be used in exactly the same way in the rest of the code due to the common input/output scheme for all required methods.

For lower level (downstream) modules, the input specification is much more loosely defined than the output specification, as different implementations may draw data from a wide variety of sources. For example, the StarCatalog may be implemented as reading values from a static file on disk, or may represent an active connection to a local or remote database. The output specification for these modules, however, as well as both the input and output for the upstream modules, is entirely fixed so as to allow for generic use of all module objects in the simulation.

Module Inheritance and Initialization

The only requirement on any implemented module is that it inherits the appropriate prototype (either directly or by inheriting another module implementation that inherits the prototype). It is similarly expected (but not required) that the prototype __init__ will be called from the __init__ of the newly implemented class (if the class overloads the __init__ method). Here is an example of the beginning of an OpticalSystem module implementation:

from EXOSIMS.Prototypes.OpticalSystem import OpticalSystem

class ExampleOpticalSystem(OpticalSystem):

    def __init__(self, **specs):

        OpticalSystem.__init__(self, **specs)



The filename must match the class name for all modules.


If overloading the prototype __init__, the implemented module’s __init__ method must have a keyword argument dictionary input (the **specs argument in the example, above). This must be the last argument to the method. See here for an explanation of the syntax, and see Input Specification for further discussion on this input. Note that the name of the input is arbitrary, but is always **specs in the EXOSIMS prototypes.

Module Type

It is always possible to check whether a module is an instance of a given prototype, for example:


However, it can be tedious to look up all of a given object’s base classes so, for convenience, every prototype will provide a private variable _modtype, which will always return the name of the prototype and should not be overwritten by any module code. Thus, if the above example evaluates as True, obj._modtype will be equal to Observatory.

Callable Attributes

Certain module attributes may be represented in a way that allows them to be parametrized by other values. For example, the instrument throughput and contrast are functions of both the wavelength and the angular separation, and so must be encodable as such in the OpticalSystem. To accommodate this, as well as simpler descriptions where these parameters may be treated as static values, these and other attributes are defined as ‘callable’. This means that they must be set as objects that can be called in the normal Python fashion, i.e., object(arg1,arg2,...).

These objects can be function definitions defined in the code, or imported from other modules. They can be lambda expressions defined inline in the code. Or they can be callable object instances, such as the various scipy interpolants. In cases where the description is just a single value, these attributes can be defined as dummy functions that always return the same value, for example:

def throughput(wavelength,angle):
     return 0.5

or, more simply:

throughput = lambda wavelength,angle: 0.5


It is important to remember that Python differentiates between how it treats class attributes and methods in inheritance. If a value is originally defined as an attribute (such as a lambda function), then it cannot be overloaded by a method in an inheriting class implementation. So, if a prototype contains a callable value as an attribute, it must be implemented as an attribute in all inheriting implementations that wish to change the value. For this reason, the majority of callable attributes in prototype modules are instead defined as methods to avoid potential overloading issues.


All attributes/variables representing quantities with units are encoded using astropy.units.quantity.Quantity objects. Docstrings will often state the default unit used for quantities, but it is never necessary to assume a unit, other than for inputs (see Input Specification).

Coding Conventions

EXOSIMS attempts to follow standard Python coding conventions (PEP-8, etc.) and it is required that all new code be blackened. Descriptive variable and module names are strongly encouraged. Documentation of existing modules follows the Google docstring style, although the NumPy style is acceptable for new contributions. For more details, see Docstrings.

The existing codebase (as it was written by many different contributors) contains a wide variety of naming conventions and naming styles, including lots of CamelCase and mixedCase names. The project PI thinks these look pretty and is firmly unapologetic on this point.

Interface Specification

The docstrings for the prototypes (see Framework) are the interface control documentation (ICD) for EXOSIMS.


Module implementations overloading a prototype method may not modify the calling syntax to the method. Doing so will almost invariably cause the new module to not function properly within the broader framework and will almost certainly cause unit tests to fail for that implementation.

New implementations must adhere to the interface specification, and should seek to overload as few methods as possible to produce the desired results. Any change in the method declaration in any prototype is considered interface breaking and will result in a software version bump.