
Optical system modules describe the science instrument and starlight suppression system, and provide methods for integration time calculation.

Optical System Definition

An optical system is defined by the effective collecting area and three sets of objects:

  • Science Instrument(s)

  • Starlight Suppression System(s)

  • Observing Mode(s)

Each of these is encoded as a list of dictionaries with a minimum size of 1. A science instrument is a description of a detector and any associated optics not belonging to the starlight suppression system. A science instrument must be classified as an imager (no spectral resolution) or a spectrometer (finite spectral resolution). A starlight suppression system is a description of all of the optics responsible for producing regions of high contrast. It must be classified as a coronagraph (internal) or occulter (starshade; external). Finally, an observing mode is the combination of a starlight suppression system and a science instrument, along with a target SNR for all integrations performed with that observing mode.

The effective collecting area (\(A\)) is the area of the primary mirror, minus all obscurations due to the secondary (and any other obscuring optics) as well as their support structures. It is defined via three inputs:

  • The primary mirror diameter (\(D\)) - in cases of non-circular mirrors, this is the major diameter

  • The obscuration factor (\(F_o\)) - the fraction of the primary mirror area that is obscured

  • The shape factor (\(F_s\)) - defined such that the total primary mirror area is given by \(F_sD^2\). That is, for a circular mirror \(F_s = \pi/4\)

Given these quantities, the effective collecting area is computed as:

\[A = (1 - F_o)F_sD^2\]

Many quantities defining the optical system must be parametrizable by wavelength or angular separation (or both, or other quantities). In cases where only a single value exists at your current design stage, these must still be structured as callable (just returning the same value regardless of input). As an example, quantum efficiency is a function of wavelength for nearly all physical devices. If you have not yet selected a specific device (or do not happen to have the QE curve for the device you are modeling) your QE input can be a scalar value, but will be automatically wrapped in a lambda function that always returns your constant QE value for any inputs.

In general, each dictionary describing each of these objects can have essentially any keywords in a particular implementation. This description allows for optical system definitions to be highly flexible and extensible, but can also lead to inescapable complexity. To attempt to make the code more parsable, a few conventions are maintained, as outlined below. For all three dictionary types (scienceInstrument, starlightSuppressionSystem, and observingMode), missing required values will be filled from defaults, which are all inputs to the OpticalSystem __init__ and may be modified in the Input Specification. The utility of this approach is that values that are expected to be the same for all instances of a dictionary (for example the number of detector pixels for all instruments using the same detector) can be set just once via the default, rather than needing to be set in each instrument definition.

Science Instruments

Each scienceInstrument dictionary must contain a unique name keyword. This string must include a substring of the form imager or spectro. For example, an optical system might contain science instruments called imager-EMCCD or spectro-CCD, describing a photon counting electron multiplying CCD imager and a mid-resolution imaging spectrometer. In cases where the same physical detector hardware is expected to be used in different modes (i.e., a single chip serving as an imager and polarizer, and integral field unit by the introduction of additional removable optics), you must still set up separate science instruments for each configuration.

Required Prototype Instrument Parameters

These values will be set from defaults if missing in the instrument dictionary. Defaults for all instruments can be set as top-level values in the Input Specification. These top-level values also carry their own default values in the prototype implementation.

  • name (string):

    Instrument name (e.g. imager-EMCCD, spectro-CCD). Must contain the type of instrument (‘imager’ or ‘spectro’). Every instrument must have a unique name.

  • QE (callable):

    Detector quantum efficiency, parametrized by wavelength. The input value can be a scalar (fixed QE for all wavelengths) or a the full path to a file with the QE profile. The file may be a FITS file or a CSV file. FITS files must contain two rows (or columns) where the first represents wavelength and the second represents QE. The FITS header should specify the wavelength unit in keyword UNITS which should contain a string that is parsable as an astropy length unit (https://docs.astropy.org/en/stable/units/format.html). If the keyword does not exist, units of nm will be assumed. For CSV files, the wavelength should be in nm in a column with header lambda and the QE must be in a column with header QE. There is not required order for the two columns in a CSV file. The top-level default defaults to 0.9.

  • optics (float):

    Attenuation due to optics specific to the science instrument. The top-level default defaults to 0.5.

  • sread (float):

    Detector effective read noise per frame per pixel. The top-level default defaults to 1e-6.

  • idark (Quantity):

    Detector dark-current per pixel in units of 1/time. Input values are assumed to have units of 1/second. The top-level default defaults to 1e-4.

  • texp (Quantity):

    Exposure time per frame in units of Time. Input values are assumed to have units of seconds. The top-level default defaults to 100.

  • Rs (float):

    (Specific to spectrometers) Spectral resolving power: \(\lambda/\Delta\lambda\). The top-level default defaults to 50.

  • lenslSamp (float):

    (Specific to spectrometers) Lenslet sampling: number of pixels per lenslet row (or column). The top-level default defaults to 2.

  • pixelNumber (int):

    Detector array format, number of pixels per detector line/column. The top-level default defaults to 1000.

  • pixelSize (Quantity):

    Pixel pitch in units of length. Input values are assumed to have units of meters. The top-level default defaults to 1e-5 (10 microns).

  • FoV (Quantity):

    Angular half-field of view (i.e., field of view radius). Input values are assumed to have units of arcseconds. The FoV value is used only for determining the maximum outer working angle in observing modes where the starlight suppression system has an infinite OWA (or an OWA larger than the science instrument FoV). The top-level default defaults to 10.

  • pixelScale (Quantity):

    Pixel scale (instantaneous field of view of each detector pixel). Input values are assumed to have units of arcseconds. The top-level default defaults to 0.02.

Field of View and Pixel Scale

Naively, the field of view and pixel scale should be related to one another. Assuming that the detector size is given by \(n_\textrm{pix} \times d_\textrm{pix}\), where \(n_\textrm{pix}\) and \(d_\textrm{pix}\) are the pixelNumber and pixelSize values, respectively, then we can write:

\[\begin{split}\textrm{FoV} &= 2 \tan^{-1}{\left(\frac{n_\textrm{pix} d_\textrm{pix}}{2f}\right)} \\ \textrm{pixelScale} &= 2 \tan^{-1}{\left(\frac{ d_\textrm{pix}}{2f}\right)}\end{split}\]

where \(f\) is the focal length. Note that the FoV term in these equations is the full field of view (twice the FoV parameter). From this, we can relate the two as:

\[\textrm{FoV} = 2 \tan^{-1}{\left(n_\textrm{pix} \tan{\left(\frac{\textrm{pixelScale}}{2} \right)} \right)}\]

However, the detector does not necessarily set the field of view of the imaging system (especially for some coronagraphic systems) and so these must be left as independent inputs. An example of real systems where the pixel scale and field of view are and are not linked are the Wide-Field Instrument (WFI) and Coronagraph Instrument (CGI) on the Roman Space Telescope, respectively (see: https://roman.ipac.caltech.edu/sims/Param_db.html). In the case of the WFI, the detectors set the field of view, whereas for the CGI, the field of view is limited by vignetting due to an aperture stop.

The field of view should always be less than or equal to the one predicted by the pixel scale. A warning will be generated if the input FoV is larger than the one computed from the pixelScale, but no errors will be raised (the warning is suppressed in cases where the two quantities are approximately equal to account for numerical errors).


If using a starshade and setting the pixelScale as a top-level default or per-instrument input, it is crucial to also set the field of view to its appropriate value (otherwise the original default will be used, which may be inconsistent with the input pixelScale).

Focal Length and f-Number

The instrument effective focal length (encoded in instrument parameter focal) can be specified either directly as a per-instrument value (in which case inputs are assumed to have units of meters) or as a per-instrument f-number input (encoded in instrument parameter fnumber). If both are given, the fnumber input is ignored and the value re-computed from the focal input. If neither input is given, both are computed from the pixelScale and pixelSize as:

\[f = \frac{d_\textrm{pix}}{2 \tan\left(\textrm{pixelScale}/2\right)}\]

A warning will be generated if the input focal length (or equivalently f-number) do not approximately match this expression, but not errors will be raised.

Photon Counting Detectors

The prototype detector model does not account for photon-counting detectors and their particular noise sources. This is handled by implementation Nemati, which takes the following additional inputs (either as top-level defaults or per-instrument values):

  • CIC (float):

    Clock-induced-charge per frame per pixel.

  • radDos (float):

    Radiation dosage. Use of this quantity is highly specific to your particular optical system model.

  • PCeff (float):

    Photon counting efficiency

  • ENF (float):

    (Specific to EM-CCDs) Excess noise factor.

Starlight Suppression System

Each starlighSuppressionSystem dictionary must contain a unique name keyword identifying the starlight suppression system (coronagraph or occulter). There are no special requirements for this string (unlike the name in the Science Instruments dictionary). As with the science instruments, if you are modeling a reconfigurable coronagraph (i.e., multiple filter wheels with multiple masks) you must define a separate system for each unique configuration you wish to model. Occulters operating at multiple distances must also be set up this way.

Required Prototype Starlight Suppression System Parameters

These will be set from defaults if missing. Defaults for all systems for some parameters can be set as top-level values in the Input Specification.

  • name (string):

    System name (e.g. HLC-565, SPC-660). By convention, this should also contain the central wavelength the system is optimized for (but this is not a requirement). Every system must have a unique name.

  • optics (float):

    Attenuation due to optics specific to the coronagraph, but not captured in the various throughput values (see below). This value cannot be set as a top-level default and must be a per-system value. If missing, it defaults to 1 (no additional attenuation).


Although they have the same name and purpose, the optics kewyord in the starlight suppression system is different from the one in the science instrument, and is not set from the top-level default. The optics value described here can only be set on a per-system basis.

  • lam (Quantity):

    Central wavelength in units of length. Input values are assumed to be in nm. The top-level default defaults to 500.

  • deltaLam (Quantity):

    Bandwidth in units of length. Input values are assumed to be in nm. This quantity has no top-level default and can only be set on a per-system basis.

  • BW (float):

    Bandwidth fraction, such that \(\lambda \times \textrm{BW} = \Delta\lambda\). When present, deltaLam is used preferentially. The top-level default defaults to 0.2 (20% band).

  • ohTime (Quantity):

    Overhead time for all integrations. Inputs are assumed to be in units of days. The top-level default defaults to 1.

  • occulter (boolean):

    True if the system has an occulter (external or hybrid system) otherwise False (internal system). All systems have this key set to False by default. This key has no user-settable top-level default.

  • contrast_floor (float, optional):

    An absolute limit on achievable core_contrast. Only scalar inputs (or None) are supported at this time. The top-level default defaults to None.

  • IWA (Quantity):

    Inner working angle. Input values are assumed to be in units of arcsec. The top-level default defaults to 0.1.

  • OWA (Quantity):

    Outer working angle. Input values are assumed to be in units of arcsec. Zero values are interpreted as infinity. Note that Python JSON also understands Infinity entries. The top-level default defaults to Infinity.


Any IWA/OWA values set as parameters of a starlight suppression system (or from top-level default values) will be overwritten if they disagree with angular separation ranges in table data used for other parameters. That is, if the data file used for occ_trans or core_thruput, etc., has a smallest angular separation that is larger than the currently set IWA or a largest separation that is smaller than the current system OWA, then the values will be updated to match the table data. A warning (but not error) will be generated when this happens. If no IWA/OWA inputs are supplied then both values will be set from the first data table read.

  • input_angle_units (str, optional):

    The angle unit to assume for all starlight suppression system inputs that are angles (or are parametrized by an angular value). This also applies to data in CSV files (see below for details) and FITS files (if no superseding keyword is found in the FITS header). If None or LAMBDA/D or unitless then all angles are interpreted as \(\lambda/D\) values. Otherwise, this string must be parsable as an astropy length unit (see: https://docs.astropy.org/en/stable/units/format.html). The top-level default defaults to ‘arcsec’. The input_angle_units value is used to compute the Quantity syst["input_angle_unit_value"] which is the value of the input angle unit in physical angle units (for \(\lambda/D\) inputs this uses the wavelength in syst["lam"]).

  • core_platescale_units (str, optional):

    The angle unit to assume for core_platescale. Behaves exactly in the same way as input_angle_units but defaults to None (i.e., \(\lambda/D\) units).

  • core_platescale (float or None):

    The pixel scale (angular extent of each pixel) for the coronagraph PSF and intensity maps. Scalar inputs are assumed to have units of core_platescale_units. This must be set if using core_mean_intensity and setting a scalar input or using a CSV file. If reading from a FITS file, the value can be encoded in the header (see below). If this value is not set at the end of populating a starlightSuppressionSystem dictionary and core_mean_intensity is not None, an error will be thrown. The top-level default defaults to None.


It is crucial to differentiate between the Science Instruments pixelScale and the starlight suppression system core_platescale. While these might be the same value, frequently they are not as coronagraphs may be designed independently of the selection of the final focal-plane array. Both of these values are used to determine the number of pixels in the photometric aperture, but these pixels represent two different things: The pixelScale tells you the number of detector pixels (needed for computing detector-level things like dark current and read noise). The core_platescale tells you the number of the pixels that the core_mean_itensity was computed from, which allows you to compute the total residual starlight intensity (internally called core_intensity) in the photometric aperture.


Why do we have two separate unit inputs (one for core_platescale and one for everything else)? The answer, unsurprisingly, is lazy backwards compatibility. Originaly EXOSIMS forced users to convert everything to arcseconds externally to the program, except (confusingly) for the coronagraphic map platescale. To avoid breaking existing input scripts, the defaults for these inputs retain this behavior (but now allow the units to be specified however the user wishes).

  • csv_angsep_colname (str):

    Column name to use for the angular separation column for CSV data for all files. This should be correlated with the input_angle_units value (assuming your CSV files have column names that specify units). The top-level default defaults to “r_as”.

  • occ_trans (callable):

    Intensity transmission of extended background sources such as zodiacal light, parametrized by wavelength and angular separation. This includes the pupil mask, occulter, Lyot stop and polarizer. Input values may be scalars or full paths to files containing input data to an interpolant. The top-level default defaults to 0.2.

  • core_thruput (callable):

    System throughput in a given photometric aperture (possibly corresponding to the FWHM, set by the core_area value) of the planet PSF core, parametrized by wavelength and angular separation. Input values may be scalars or full paths to files containing input data to an interpolant. The top-level default defaults to 0.1.

  • core_area (callable):

    Area of the photometric aperture used to compute core_thruput and core_mean_itensity, parametrized by wavelength and angular separation. Input values may be scalars or full paths to files containing input data to an interpolant. Input scalar values are assumed to have units of input_angle_units. Outputs will be Quantities with units of \(\textrm{arcsec}^2\). This key has no user-settable top-level default - mssing core areas will be set as \(\pi/2\, (\lambda/D)^2\) (the area of an aperture with radius \(\sqrt{2}/2\, \lambda/D\)).

  • core_contrast (callable):

    System contrast = mean_intensity / PSF_peak, parametrized by wavelength and angular separation. Input values may be scalars or full paths to files containing input data to an interpolant. Default values are only populated in cases where core_mean_intensity is None. The top-level default defaults to 1e-10.

  • core_mean_intensity (callable):

    Mean starlight residual normalized intensity per map pixel (i.e., per pixel of the simulated PSF). The total core intensity is computed as core_mean_intensity times the number of intensity map pixels in the photometric aperture (the number of pixels is determined from the core_platescale and core_area values). If core_mean_intensity is not specified, then the total core intensity is computed as core_contrast * core_thruput. This value is parametrized by wavelength, angular separation, and angular star diameter. The diameter value defaults to 0 arcseconds (unresolved target star). If a scalar value (or CSV file, or FITS file without the relevant header keyword) is used, a core_platescale input must be set. This key has no user-settable top-level default and can only be set on a per-system basis.


The top-level default value will only be populated for core_contrast in the case where no core_mean_intensity is provided in the starlightSuppressionSystem input dictionary. If both core_mean_intensity and core_contrast are present in the input, then both will be populated, but in this case, the protoype only uses core_mean_intensity and ignores core_contrast. However, other implementations may wish to utilize both (see, e.g., Nemati_2019). The final starlightSuppressionSystem dictionary is guaranteed to include both core_contrast and core_mean_intensity keys, but their values will be None if they were not present in the input (except for the case where neither was specified, in which case core_contrast will contain the lambda function based on the top-level default and core_mean_itensity will be None.

When using input files for occ_trans, core_thruput, core_contrast, core_mean_intensity, or core_area, the file may be a FITS file or a CSV file. For occ_trans, core_thruput, core_contrast, and core_area, FITS files must contain two rows (or columns) where the first represents angular separation and the second represents the parameter value. The FITS header should specify the angular separation unit in keyword UNITS which should either be unitless or LAMBDA/D for \(\lambda/D\) units or contain a string that is parsable as an astropy length unit (https://docs.astropy.org/en/stable/units/format.html). If the keyword does not exist, units of input_angle_units will be assumed. For CSV files, the angular separation must be in a column with header csv_angsep_colname and the parameter value must be in a column with a header that is exactly the same as the keyword name (i.e., occ_trans, etc.). There is not a required order for the columns in a CSV file, and other columns may also be present in the same file. For CSV files, the angular separation unit is set by key input_angle_units.

For core_mean_intensity all data in FITS files must be in columns, with the first column containing the angular separation data. When more than two columns are present, FITS files must contain keywords of the form DIAM??? where the ??? represent a zero-padded counter starting from 000 and up to the number of columns minus 1 (i.e., for a file with 32 columns, there are 31 intensity value columns, and we expect keywords of DIAM0000 through DIAM030. The values in these keywords are the stellar angular diameters in units given by the UNITS keyword. In cases where there are only two columns present in the file, the data will be interpreted as for a stellar diameter of zero (unresolved).


Stellar diameter-dependent core_mean_intensity inputs are not supported using CSV files.

CSV file inputs for core_mean_intensity are treated exactly in the same way as all other CSV inputs: the angular separation must be in a column with header equal to csv_angsep_colname, there must be a column with header core_mean_intensity, which will be interpreted as the zero-diameter (unresolved) core mean intensity, and angle units are set by input_angle_units.

For all 5 of these inputs (both for files and scalars), a lambda function will be generated, which takes as inputs the central wavelength of the observation and angular separation (both quantities with length and angle units, respectively). For core_mean_intensity, there is a third input, representing the stellar diameter (again a quantity with angle units), which carries a default value of 0. When the original input is a scalar value, the lambda function just returns this scalar, or zero in cases where the input angular separation is outside of the IWA/OWA range or the input wavelength is outside of the system’s bandpass. When the original input is table data, the lambda function returns the value of the interpolant defined over the table data at the relevant angular separation (and, in the case of core_mean_intensity, the stellar diameter). For internal coronagraphs, the original table data represents angular separation for a particular wavelength (nominally the central wavelength of the system, stored in syst[lam], which we’ll refer to as \(\lambda_0\)). This is true even if the table data lists angular separation in physical angle units. If the observing wavelength does not match the system wavelength, then inputs must be scaled properly so as to evaluate the interpolant correctly. The angular separation input to the interpolant is in physical angle units: to scale, we need to convert to \(\lambda/D\) (for observing wavelength \(\lambda\) - the input to the lambda function), which means dividing by \(\lambda/D\), and then convert back to a physical angle by scaling by \(\lambda_0/D\). This is equivalent to defining our lambda function \(g\) as:

\[g(\lambda, s) = f\left(s\frac{\lambda_0}{\lambda}\right)\]

where \(f(s)\) is the original interpolant over the table data. To validate this, consider the case where the observing wavelength is twice the system wavelength (i.e. \(\lambda = 2\lambda_0\)). This results in computing the interpolated value at half the input angular separation. This makes sense, as the input angular separation for the redder wavelength corresponds to a smaller angular separation for the original, bluer system definition. The same scaling is also applied to the stellar diameter for core_mean_intensity. For starshades, this scaling is not applied.

All of the outputs are unitless scalars, except for core_area, which is returned as a quantity with units of square arcseconds. For internal coronagraphs, the core_area output must also be scaled to account for differences in wavelength between the original system definition and the observing mode. In this case, however, we are converting an output that is in angle units (squared) corresponding to the original wavelength \(\lambda_0\) to a new wavelength \(\lambda\) and so the scaling is the reciprocal of the one used for the input angular separation:

\[g(\lambda, s) = f\left(s\frac{\lambda_0}{\lambda}\right) \left(\frac{\lambda}{\lambda_0}\right)^2\]

Once again, this scaling is not applied in the case of starshades. The core_platescale is always a scalar, and is stored internally as a scalar quantity (not callable) with physical angular units corresponding to the central wavelength of the original system definition. It must be scaled to the observing wavelength whenever used (see Cp_Cb_Csp_helper() for a reference implementation).


It is up to the user to ensure that angular values in physical angle units are properly computed at the central wavelength encoded in the lam parameter. Note that this value will be filled in from a global default if no user input is supplied, which may result in discrepancies in the optical system definition and lead to unexpected behavior. Similarly, the prototype implementation does not support using systems defined with one pupil diameter at a different pupil diameter. If attempting to do this (discouraged) you must scale the angular units in your input files prior to use.

Standardized Coronagraph Parameters

Chris Stark and John Krist have a standardized definition of coronagraph parameters (described in detail here: https://starkspace.com/yield_standards.pdf) consisting of 5 FITS files. EXOSIMS provides a utility method (process_opticalsys_package()) for translating from these files to EXOSIMS standard input files.

The sky transmission map (coronagraph mask throughput) is radially averaged and saved to a 2D FITS file of dimension \(n\times 2\):, where \(n\) is the number of angular separations computed in the radial averaging (roughly one per pixel of radius about the image center in the original data). This file can then be used for input to the occ_trans system parameter. An example is show in Fig. 26

Coronagraph throughput map

Fig. 26 Input sky transmission map (left) and output coronagraph throughput curve (right).

The off-axis PSF data is processed by finding the center of each PSF and then computing the total flux in an aperture around the center. The center is either found by computing the center of mass of an upsampled (by default by a factor of 4) copy of the input data, with an overlaid Hamming window overlaid at the location of the astrophysical PSF offset, or by fitting a 2D Gaussian to the upsampled (but non-windowed) image. In the former case, the throughput is computed in a fixed aperture (with default radius of \(\sqrt{2}/2\, \lambda/D\)). In the latter case, the throughput is computed within an area defined by the average of the FWHM values of the two axes of the fit Gaussian. It is also possible to specify a minimum photometric aperture in the case of Gaussian fits (via keyword use_phot_aperture_as_min).

Off-axis PSF

Fig. 27 Input off-axis PSF data (left) and output throughput curves (right) for multiple different processing options. The black + symbol indicates the astrophysical offset of the PSF in the input data.

Fig. 27 shows an animation of the off-axis PSF centroiding and aperture photometry procedure and resulting throughput curves for a sample data set. The two methods implemented in process_opticalsys_package() (windowed center of mass and Gaussian fitting of upsampled images) are compared with quadratic centroiding and aperture photometry via the photutils package (https://photutils.readthedocs.io/). In all cases except for the Gaussian fit, a fixed aperture size of \(\sqrt{2}/2\,\lambda/D\) is used. The Gaussian fit, in this case, typically generates a smaller FWHM measurement, resulting in a lower computed throughput. We can see that all fitting procedures fail, to varying degrees, when the PSF is partially or fully obscured by the coronagraphic masks or when it moves outside the field of view of the system. However, the ‘true’ throughput values in all such cases are near zero (and contrast is similarly negligible), and so these fitting errors will have no impact on simulations. The resulting throughput curve is saved to a 2D FITS file of dimension \(m\times 2\), where \(m\) is the number of discrete astrophysical offsets in the original data set (i.e., the dimension of the data in the offax_psf_offset_list input. This file is then used as the input to the core_thruput parameter. In addition the area of the photometric aperture used in these computation is written out to a separate file (of the same dimensionality) to be used for the core_area input. In cases where a fixed aperture is used, all values of the core area file are identical, and the file can be replaced with a scalar input. However, the values will differ for Gaussian fits.

Finally, the stellar intensity data is processed by computing a radial average at each stellar diameter used. The results are written to a FITS file of dimension \(k+1\times n\), where \(k\) is the number of stellar diameters in the original data (i.e., the dimension of the stellar_intens_diam_list input) and math:n is again the number of angular separations computed in the radial averaging. In cases where the image size of the stellar intensity maps is the same as that of the sky transmission map (and with the same center pixel), then these two \(n\) values should be identical. The first row of the data is the angular separations of the radial average. The stellar diameters themselves are written to the FITS header in keywords of the form DIAM??? where the ??? represents a zero-padded number. So, if there are 31 discrete stellar diameters in the input data set, then the resulting FITS header will have keywords DIAM000 through DIAM030.

Off-axis PSF

Fig. 28 Input stellar intensity data (left) and output intensity curves (right) for various stellar diameters.

Fig. 28 shows an animation of the stellar intensity evolution as a function of stellar diameter.

Observing Mode

An observing mode is the combination of a science instrument with a starlight suppression system along with rules for determining integration times. The observing mode can also specify additional parameters overwriting the values in the two sub-systems. One observing mode in the optical system must be tagged as the default detection mode (by setting boolean keyword detectionMode to True). This is the mode used for all blind searches or initial target observations. If no observing mode is defined in the Input Specification, one will be created by combining the first science instrument with the first starlight suppression system.

Required Prototype Observing Mode Parameters

Some of these will be set from defaults if missing. Defaults for all modes for some parameters can be set as top-level values in the Input Specification.

  • instName (string):

    Instrument name. Must match with the name of a defined Science Instrument.

  • systName (string):

    System name. Must match with the name of a defined Starlight Suppression System.

  • detectionMode (boolean):

    True if this observing mode is the detection mode, otherwise False. Only one detection mode can be specified. If missing, this is set to False. If, after processing all observing modes, none is set as the detection mode, the first observing mode will be made the detection mode.

  • SNR (float):

    Signal-to-noise ratio requirement for all observations.

  • timeMultiplier (float):

    Integration time multiplier applied for this mode. For example, if this mode requires two full rolls for every observation, the timeMultiplier should be set to 2. The top-level default defaults to 1.

  • lam (Quantity):

    Central wavelength in units of length. This may be different from the syst[lam] value of the starlight suppression system belonging to this mode.

  • deltaLam (Quantity):

    Bandwidth in units of length

  • BW (float):

    Bandwidth fraction. If both deltaLam and BW are set, deltaLam will be used preferentially, and BW will be recalculated from deltaLam and lam.

If any bandpass values are not set in the observingMode inputs, they will be inherited from the mode’s starlight suppression system. Similarly, the IWA and OWA will be copied from the starlight suppression system. However, if the OWA is larger than the instrument FoV, then it will be replaced with the FoV value.

Upon instantiation, each ObservingMode will define its bandpass (stored in attribute bandpass) as a SpectralElement object. The model used will be either a Box1D (default) or Gaussian1D, toggled by attribute bandpass_model. For a Box1D model, a step size can also be specified via attribute bandpass_step (default is 1 \(\mathring{A}\)).


In order to build an optical system, the prototype __init__ first assigns reserved inputs to attributes, and then collects all other inputs into a single attribute (default_vals), which are also copied to the Output Specification. It then calls three methods in sequence, as shown in Fig. 29.

flowchart TB subgraph scienceInstruments[ ] direction LR C[[<pre>self.populate_scienceInstruments</pre>]] --> D[[<pre>self.populate_scienceInstruments_extra</pre>]] end subgraph starlightSuppressionSystems[ ] E[[<pre>self.populate_starlighSuppressionSystems</pre>]] -->F[[<pre>self.populate_starlighSuppressionSystems_extra</pre>]] end subgraph observingModes[ ] G[[<pre>self.populate_observingModes</pre>]] -->H[[<pre>self.populate_observingModes_extra</pre>]] end A([Assign reserved keywords to attributes and copy to: <pre>self._outspec</pre>])-->B([Collect all other inputs into: <pre>self.default_vals</pre>])-->scienceInstruments-->starlightSuppressionSystems-->observingModes

Fig. 29 OpticalSystem Prototype __init__.

These are: populate_scienceInstruments(), populate_starlightSuppressionSystems() and populate_observingModes(), respectively. Each of these methods is responsible for populating all of the required elements of each aspect of the optical system, and copy the input values (or substituted defaults) into the Output Specification. Each method also calls (immediately before returning), a helper method of the same name with _extra appended (e.g. populate_scienceInstruments_extra()). These are there to allow overloaded implementation to expand the definitions of each optical system element, and are left blank in the prototype.

Each of the three top-level populate_* methods also creates an attribute called allowed_*_kws (e.g. allowed_scienceInstrument_kws, etc.). These lists contain all keywords that are allowed for that particular dictionary type for a given optical system implementation. If additional keywords are added via the *_extra methods, then the keyword names must be added to the relevant list as well (see populate_scienceInstruments_extra() for an implementation example). These lists are used to check for Input Specification consistency using method check_opticalsystem_kws().


It is up to each implementation to ensure proper handling of inputs and defaults values, to copy all new optical system elements to the _outspec, and to augment the allowed_*_kws lists.


When defining an optical system that inherits another implementation (rather than directly inheriting the prototype), be sure to call all levels of the _extra methods. That is, if the implementation you inherit has its own populate_scienceInstruments_extra and you wish to add to it, your method’s first line should be something like super().populate_scienceInstruments_extra().

Optical System Methods

Various different optical system models will have a variety of methods, but all optical systems are expected to provide the following:


This method computes the count rates (electrons or counts per unit time) for the planet (\(C_p\)), the background (\(C_b\)), and the residual speckle (\(C_{sp}\)). The last of these typically determines the systematic noise floor of the system. In a simple optical system model, the foreground and background rates are likely entirely independent of one another (i.e., \(C_b\) and \(C_{sp}\) have no dependence on \(C_p\)), but this is not actually a requirement. More complicated descriptions, including those of electron-multiplying CCDs run in photon counting mode, will have clock-induced-charge coupling the foreground and background counts. Given the fundamental definitions in Photometry, the basic elements are evaluated as follows:

  • The count rate due to the star is:

    \[C_\textrm{star} = F_S A \tau\]

    where \(F_S\) is the star flux density in the observing band and \(\tau\) accounts for all non-coronagraphic, throughput losses. The total attenuation due to any fore-optics and any relay optics in the starlight suppression system and science instrument. This includes losses due to all reflective and transmissive elements after the primary, excluding the throughput of any coronagraphic pupil and focal plane masks. The detector QE is also factored into this expression, either by convolution with the bandpass used to integrate \(F_S\), or as a scalar factor folded into \(\tau\) (in which case the QE is evaluated at the bandpass central wavelength. Note that this expression represents the stellar count rate in the absence of the coronagraph (but including throughput losses due to all other optics up through the detector).

  • The stellar residual count is:

    \[C_\textrm{speckle} = C_\textrm{star} I_\textrm{core}\]

    where \(I_\textrm{core}\) is the coronagraph core intensity scaled by the size of the photometric aperture (this maps to the \(I\) definition from [StarkKrist2019]).

  • Given a star-planet difference in magnitude \(\Delta\mathrm{mag}\) in the observing band, the planet count rate is given by:

    \[C_\textrm{planet} = C_\textrm{star} 10^{-0.4 \Delta\textrm{mag}} \tau_\textrm{core}(\lambda_0, \alpha)\]

    where \(\tau_\textrm{core}\) is the coronagraphic core throughput, parametrized by the bandpass central wavelength (\(\lambda_0\)) and the angular separation of the planet (\(\alpha\)). This maps to the term $Upsilon(x,y)$ in [StarkKrist2019]. In the absence of a specific planet spectrum, \(\Delta\textrm{mag}\) is assumed achromatic.

  • Given the specific intensity of the local zodiacal light (\(I_\textrm{zodi}\)), the zodiacal light count rate is:

    \[C_\textrm{zodi} = I_\textrm{zodi}\Omega \Delta\lambda \tau A \tau_\textrm{occ}\]

    where \(\Omega\) is the the solid angle of the photometric aperture being used and \(\tau_\textrm{occ}\) is the occulter transmission. This is typically parametrized in the same way as \(\tau_\textrm{core}\) and maps to the \(T_{sky}(x,y)\) value as defined in [StarkKrist2019]. For further disucssion on \(I_\textrm{zodi}\), see: Zodiacal and Exozodiacal Light and ZodiacalLight.

  • Given the specific intensity of the exozodiacal light (\(I_\textrm{exozodi}\)), the exozodiacal light count rate is:

\[C_\textrm{exozodi} = I_\textrm{exozodi}\Omega \Delta\lambda \tau A \tau_\textrm{core}\]

Note that use of \(\tau_\textrm{core}\) vs. \(\tau_\textrm{sky}\) is a design decision for the prototype OpticalSystem and may be overridden by other OpticalSystem implementations.

  • The dark current count rate is:

    \[C_\textrm{dark} = n_\textrm{pix} \textrm{DC}\]

    where \(n_\textrm{pix}\) is the number of pixels in the photometric aperture being used, while DC is the dark current rate in units of electrons/pixel/time.

  • The read noise count rate is:

    \[C_\textrm{read} = n_\textrm{pix} \frac{RN}{t_\textrm{read}}\]

    where \(t_\textrm{read}\) is the time of each readout and RN is the read noise in units of electrons/pixel/read.

  • The speckle residual is modeled as the variance of the residual starlight that cannot be removed via post-processing. This value (which is added in quadrature to the background to determine integration time) is defined as:

    \[C_\textrm{sp} = C_\textrm{speckle} \textrm{pp}(\alpha) \textrm{SF}\]

    where \(\textrm{pp}\) is the post-processing factor (defined as the reciprocal of the post-process gain, such that a reduction in speckle noise of 10x is equivalent to a pp of 0.1), parametrized by the planet’s angular separation, and SF is a stability factor, used to model the overall PSF stability. Note that setting the stability factor to zero is equivalent to modeling a system with no inherent noise floor. See: PostProcessing.

Other detector-specific noise sources depend on the detector model and may include clock-induced charge, photon counting efficiency factors and degradation factors due to radiation dose and other effects. See: Cp_Cb_Csp().


Calculate the integration time required to reach the selected observing mode’s target SNR on one or more targets for a planet of given \(\Delta\mathrm{mag}\) at a given angular separation. If the SNR is unreachable by the selected observing mode, return NaN. See:calc_intTime().


Calculate the maximum \(\Delta\mathrm{mag}\) planet observable at the observing mode’s target SNR with the given integration time, at the given angular separation. This should be a strict inverse of calc_intTime. See: calc_dMag_per_intTime().



\[\frac{\mathrm{d}}{\mathrm{d}t} \Delta\mathrm{mag}\]

This is used for integration time allocation optimization. See: ddMag_dt().