Quick Start Guide

This is intended as a very brief overview of the steps necessary to get EXOSIMS running. To start writing your own modules, please refer to the Introduction and the rest of this documentation. Before using this guide, read through the Installing and Configuring guide and follow all of the setup steps.

EXOSIMS Workflow

Creating a MissionSimulation

The default entry point to all EXOSIMS is via the instantiation of a MissionSim object, which is created via an Input Specification specifying the modules to be used and setting various input parameters. The instantiation of this object, in turn, causes the instantiation of all other module objects. Here is a quick example using a built-in sample script:

import EXOSIMS,EXOSIMS.MissionSim,os.path
scriptfile = os.path.join(EXOSIMS.__path__[0],'Scripts','sampleScript_coron.json')
sim = EXOSIMS.MissionSim.MissionSim(scriptfile)

The first time you run this code (or any new combination of modules/parameters), there will be a long series of calculations of various useful values. All of these are cached to disk, however (see: Cache Directory), which means that subsequent construction of any object using the same module and inputs will be significantly sped up.

Once instantiated, MissionSim object contains directly accessible instances of all modules (i.e., sim.Observatory) as well as a dictionary of the modules (sim.modules). At this point you can interrogate the sim object to see the results of the setup. In particular, you can check the size of your initial target list (sim.TargetList.nStars) as well as their initial (single-visit) completeness values (sim.TargetList.int_comp).


The sampleScript_coron.json script uses the prototype Completeness module, which does not actually do any completeness calculations, but simply returns the same value for all stars. To calculate completeness you must use one of the implementations such as BrownCompleteness or GarrettCompleteness.

You can also get a full list of all parameters (this includes the ones that weren’t specified in your input script and were filled in by defaults) via the genOutSpec() method (called, in this case, as sim.genOutSpec), which returns a dictionary of all simulation parameters. Setting the tofile keyword to this method will also write this dictionary out to the specified path.


The python JSON writer supports reading/writing values (such as infinity and nan) that are not in the JSON specification. This means that output script files may only be parseable by python, or another parser supporting these extensions to the specification.

Running a Simulation and Analyzing Results

The survey simulation is executed via the run_sim() method. When running with default settings (as in sampleScript_coron.json) the simulation details (observation numbers and detections/characterizations) will be printed as it is executed (this can be toggled off via the verbose script keyword). The full mission timeline is saved to the DRM variable in the SurveySimulation object, and can be accessed as:

DRM = sim.SurveySimulation.DRM

The DRM is a list of dictionaries, each representing one observations, so that a mission simulation of 10 observations will produce a DRM of length 10. The dictionaries in DRM contain all of the details on each observation. You can look at a full list of dictionary keywords by executing sim.SurveySimulation.DRM[0].keys(). Of particular importance are:

  • star_ind - The index of star observed. You can get information about the star by using this index with the TargetList object. For example sim.TargetList.Name[sim.SurveySimulation.DRM[0]['star_ind']] will return the name of the first star observed, and sim.TargetList.coords[sim.SurveySimulation.DRM[0]['star_ind']] will return its coordinates.

  • plan_inds - The indices of all planets belonging to this star. You can get information about these planets by using this index with the SimulatedUniverse object. For example sim.SimulatedUniverse.a[sim.SurveySimulation.DRM[0]['plan_inds']] returns the semi-major axes of all planets in the system observed in the fist observation, and sim.SimulatedUniverse.Rp[sim.SurveySimulation.DRM[0]['plan_inds']] will return their radii.

  • det_status - This encodes the outcome of the observation for each planet. 0 represents a missed detection, 1 represents a detection, and -1, -2 represent the planet being inside the IWA and outside the OWA, respectively. sim.SurveySimulation.DRM[0]['plan_inds'][sim.SurveySimulation.DRM[0]['det_status'] == 1] will return the indices of all planets found in the first observation.

To find the number of stars observed during my mission that have at least 1 planet detected, we could run:

len([DRM[x]['star_ind'] for x in range(len(DRM)) if 1 in DRM[x]['det_status']])

MissionSim also provides utilities for examining the DRM. The DRM2array method will return an array of all of the DRM entries for a specified key for the full DRM. So, running sim.DRM2array('plan_inds') will return and array of arrays of all the planet indices encountered (but not necessarily detected) during the full mission. numpy.hstack(sim.DRM2array('plan_inds')) will flatten this array into a 1D list of all planet indices encountered.

The filter_status method will filter a provided key with a given status code. sim.filter_status('plan_inds',0) will return all planet indices with missed detection throughout the full mission and sim.filter_status('plan_inds',1) will return the indices of all detected planets.

Running Additional Simulations

To run a new simulation using the same input scriptfile, simply reset the simulation and run it again. You can choose to generate new planets or to rewind the positions of the current set of planets to their initial states. Setting both of these keywords to False will result in running a simulation that starts with all planets in their final states from the previous simulation.

sim.reset_sim(genNewPlanets=True, rewindPlanets=True)

You can also run an ensemble of N simulations, which produces a list of DRMs. From there, you can find e.g. the number of observations made during each survey.

N = 100
ens = sim.run_ensemble(N, genNewPlanets=True, rewindPlanets=True)
nb_obs = []
for i in range(N):
    DRM = ens[i]

The default ensemble will run in sequence. For more details on ensembles and parallelization see SurveyEnsemble.

Building Your Own Mission

This is a brief guide to iteratively building up a simulation script, with comments and sanity checks along the way. It touches on only a subset of all possible user settings for the base modules. A more complete list is available here: EXOSIMS Prototype Inputs.

Step 1

The only required components of the input specification are:

  • The modules dictionary

  • The science instruments list

  • The starlight suppression systems list.

All other values will be filled in with defaults, although this will typically not produce a reasonable mission description, depending on the modules selected. We begin with an empty set of modules, which would load all of the prototypes, and a single instrument and starlight suppression system, which will define the default observing mode. In a directory of your choosing (preferably outside of the EXOSIMS repository), create a file called test.json with the following contents:

 "modules": {
 "PlanetPopulation": " ",
 "StarCatalog": " ",
 "OpticalSystem": " ",
 "ZodiacalLight": " ",
 "BackgroundSources": " ",
 "PlanetPhysicalModel": " ",
 "Observatory": " ",
 "TimeKeeping": " ",
 "PostProcessing": " ",
 "Completeness": " ",
 "TargetList": " ",
 "SimulatedUniverse": " ",
 "SurveySimulation": " ",
 "SurveyEnsemble": " "
 "scienceInstruments": [
 { "name": "imager" }
 "starlightSuppressionSystems": [
 {  "name": "coronagraph" }

You can create a MissionSim object with this script, but it won’t be particularly useful, since there are no real stars in the prototype StarCatalog. We’ll do it anyway to sanity check that the code is working. In a python interpreter running in the same directory as your test script run:

import EXOSIMS.MissionSim
sim = EXOSIMS.MissionSim.MissionSim('test.json')

You should see outputs showing the modules being loaded as the simulation object is instantiated, along the lines of

Imported SurveyEnsemble (prototype module) from EXOSIMS.Prototypes.SurveyEnsemble
Imported SurveySimulation (prototype module) from EXOSIMS.Prototypes.SurveySimulation
Imported SimulatedUniverse (prototype module) from EXOSIMS.Prototypes.SimulatedUniverse
Imported TargetList (prototype module) from EXOSIMS.Prototypes.TargetList
Imported StarCatalog (prototype module) from EXOSIMS.Prototypes.StarCatalog
Imported OpticalSystem (prototype module) from EXOSIMS.Prototypes.OpticalSystem
Imported ZodiacalLight (prototype module) from EXOSIMS.Prototypes.ZodiacalLight
Imported PostProcessing (prototype module) from EXOSIMS.Prototypes.PostProcessing
Imported BackgroundSources (prototype module) from EXOSIMS.Prototypes.BackgroundSources
Imported Completeness (prototype module) from EXOSIMS.Prototypes.Completeness
Imported PlanetPopulation (prototype module) from EXOSIMS.Prototypes.PlanetPopulation
Imported PlanetPhysicalModel (prototype module) from EXOSIMS.Prototypes.PlanetPhysicalModel
Imported Observatory (prototype module) from EXOSIMS.Prototypes.Observatory
Imported TimeKeeping (prototype module) from EXOSIMS.Prototypes.TimeKeeping
Numpy random seed is: 491873991

Printing the contents of sim.TargetList.nStars and sim.SimulatedUniverse.plan2star will show that this simulation has one (fake) star with one simulated planet (plan2star is an array of indices mapping planet attributes to stars - in this case it is a single element array mapping to star 0). This planet is generated with properties that ensure that it is detectable with all of the default settings in the other modules.

Step 2

Now we must decide what kind of universe we will be modeling. Let’s select the EXOCAT-1 input catalog (http://nexsci.caltech.edu/missions/EXEP/EXEPstarlist.html), provided by the EXOCAT1 StarCatalog implementation and only model Earth-twins in the habitable zone. We have two suitable PlanetPopulation implementations - EarthTwinHabZone1 and EarthTwinHabZone2, but we would like to override the defaults and only consider eccentricities between 0 and 0.35 so we will use EarthTwinHabZone2 (EarthTwinHabZone1 does not allow for overriding orbital parameters). Our JSON script now becomes:

 "modules": {
 "PlanetPopulation": "EarthTwinHabZone2",
 "StarCatalog": "EXOCAT1",
 "OpticalSystem": " ",
 "ZodiacalLight": " ",
 "BackgroundSources": " ",
 "PlanetPhysicalModel": " ",
 "Observatory": " ",
 "TimeKeeping": " ",
 "PostProcessing": " ",
 "Completeness": " ",
 "TargetList": " ",
 "SimulatedUniverse": " ",
 "SurveySimulation": " ",
 "SurveyEnsemble": " "
 "scienceInstruments": [
 { "name": "imager" }
 "starlightSuppressionSystems": [
 {  "name": "coronagraph" }
 "erange": [0, 0.3]

We again build a MissionSim object called sim using this script and then verify that our erange has overwritten the default by looking at the contents of sim.PlanetPopulation.erange and by printing sim.SimulatedUniverse.e.min(), sim.SimulatedUniverse.e.max(). The former shows us the range used in sampling by the PlanetPopulation while the latter shows the range of values actually sampled when creating the simulated universe.

Another important thing to note is that the EarthTwinHabZone2 populations set the constrainOrbits keyword to True by default. This flag forces all orbital radii to be within the semi-major axis range (so that \(a(1+e) \le a_\mathrm{max}\) and \(a(1-e) \ge a_\mathrm{min}\)). At the same time, the EarthTwinHabZone implementations also set the scaleOrbits flag to True, which causes the semi-major axes to be scaled by the square root of the stellar luminosities as they are generated in the SimulatedUniverse. To verify that these things are happening we can execute the following:

import numpy as np
Ls = sim.TargetList.L[sim.SimulatedUniverse.plan2star]
smas = sim.SimulatedUniverse.a/np.sqrt(Ls)
print(np.all((smas <= sim.PlanetPopulation.arange[1]) & (smas >= sim.PlanetPopulation.arange[0])))
print(np.all((smas*(1+sim.SimulatedUniverse.e) <= sim.PlanetPopulation.arange[1]) & (smas*(1-sim.SimulatedUniverse.e) >= sim.PlanetPopulation.arange[0])))

The plan2star attribute maps the simulated planets to their parent stars in the target list object, allowing us to extract the stellar luminosities. Both of the logical tests should evaluate to True (both the semi-major axes and extrema of the orbital radii should fall within the semi-major axis range with the default flags).

Another thing to test is that we are generating the proper number of planets. In this population, this is controlled by the eta parameter (also settable in the JSON script), which defaults to 0.1, meaning that we expect one planet per ten stars, on average. As these are generated probabilistically, we will not have an exact occurrence rate of 0.1 in any given simulation, but over many simulations, we should expect to average to this rate. We can explicitly test this by executing the following:

rate = 0
for j in range(100):
    rate += float(len(sim.SimulatedUniverse.plan2star))/sim.TargetList.nStars


The rate should be very nearly 0.1 (with standard Poisson error).

At this point, we should have a large number of stars in our target list (verify by printing sim.TargetList.nStars) because the prototype Completeness isn’t calculating the true completeness, and the default instrument settings will result in very low integration times for most stars, meaning that they won’t be filtered out based on your integration time cutoff, encoded in sim.OpticalSystem.intCutoff with a default value of 50 days, and also settable as intCutoff in the JSON script. The filtering works by calculating the minimum necessary integration time (with no zodiacal light contribution) for a planet of sim.OpticalSystem.dMag0 at a working angle of sim.OpticalSystem.WA0 (both of these also settable in the JSON script as dMag0 and WA0, respectively. The default dMag0 is 15 (\(10^{-6}\) contrast), meaning that the vast majority of targets are retained.

Step 3

Now we can describe the actual instrument. We wish to model a 4 meter diameter, unobscured primary. Our coronagraph will have an inner working angle of 100 mas and an outer working angle of 1 arcsecond, with a constant contrast of \(10^{-11}\). We will assume a modest post-processing factor of 0.1 (meaning that we can reduce residual speckle noise by one order of magnitude via post-processing). The JSON script now looks like this:

 "modules": {
 "PlanetPopulation": "EarthTwinHabZone2",
 "StarCatalog": "EXOCAT1",
 "OpticalSystem": " ",
 "ZodiacalLight": " ",
 "BackgroundSources": " ",
 "PlanetPhysicalModel": " ",
 "Observatory": " ",
 "TimeKeeping": " ",
 "PostProcessing": " ",
 "Completeness": " ",
 "TargetList": " ",
 "SimulatedUniverse": " ",
 "SurveySimulation": " ",
 "SurveyEnsemble": " "
 "scienceInstruments": [
 { "name": "imager" }
 "starlightSuppressionSystems": [
 {  "name": "coronagraph",
    "IWA": 0.1,
    "OWA": 1.0,
    "core_contrast": 1.0e-11
 "erange": [0, 0.3],
 "pupilDiam": 4.0,
 "obscurFac": 0.0,
 "ppFact": 0.1

We again build a MissionSim object called sim using the updated script and check that our changes have been applied. Running:


evaluates the contrast at the coronagraph central wavelength and inner working angle and should return our input constant contrast. Running:

sim.OpticalSystem.pupilDiam**2.*sim.OpticalSystem.shapeFac - sim.OpticalSystem.pupilArea

should return zero, verifying that the aperture is unobscured. shapeFac is another user-settable parameter, and is defined such that its product with the square of the aperture diameter gives the pupil area (it defaults to the value for circular apertures).

Looking at sim.TargetList.nStars, we see that our target list is now significantly smaller than it was before. This is directly a consequence of setting an inner and outer working angle for our coronagraph (the default values are zero to infinity). Due to the limited nature of the selected planet population, and finite IWA/OWA instantly filters out the majority of stars, for which the entire planet population would fall outside of this coronagraph’s operating angular separation range.

Step 4

We will now replace the remaining prototype modules which don’t perform the specific calculations and only return dummy values with full implementations. We will use:

  • The Nemati OpticalSystem (integration time calculations are based on the equations found in [Nemati2014])

  • The Brown Completeness (this is the Monte-Carlo version of the calculation, based on [Brown2005]; alternatively, we have GarrettCompletness which is a fully analytical implementation based on [Garrett2016])

  • The Stark ZodiacalLight module (the local zodi is based on modeling from [Stark2014])

  • The Forecaster PlanetPhysicalModel implementation (this uses Forecaster [Chen2016] to probabilistically calculate planet densities)

Our JSON script now looks as follows:

 "modules": {
 "PlanetPopulation": "EarthTwinHabZone2",
 "StarCatalog": "EXOCAT1",
 "OpticalSystem": "Nemati",
 "ZodiacalLight": "Stark",
 "BackgroundSources": " ",
 "PlanetPhysicalModel": "Forecaster",
 "Observatory": " ",
 "TimeKeeping": " ",
 "PostProcessing": " ",
 "Completeness": "BrownCompleteness",
 "TargetList": " ",
 "SimulatedUniverse": " ",
 "SurveySimulation": " ",
 "SurveyEnsemble": " "
 "scienceInstruments": [
 { "name": "imager" }
 "starlightSuppressionSystems": [
 {  "name": "coronagraph",
    "IWA": 0.1,
    "OWA": 1.0,
    "core_contrast": 1.0e-11
 "erange": [0, 0.3],
 "pupilDiam": 4.0,
 "obscurFac": 0.0,
 "ppFact": 0.1

Building the sim object will now take considerably longer as the Monte Carlo completeness calculation executes (and the output will include status messages regarding this calculation). Note that this will only happen once per script, as the completeness is cached on disk. Looking at the new TargetList, we see that it has relatively few targets. This is due to the completeness filtering. This is controlled by two parameters: minComp and dMagLim. The former sets the cutoff below which targets are discarded, and the second sets the limiting \(\Delta\)mag of the dimmest planets of interest (the effective instrumental contrast floor used in the completeness calculation). The default values for these parameters (which can be confirmed either from the code, or by generating an outSpec dictionary, or by querying the parameters in the sim.Completeness object) are 0.1 and 25, respectively. Given that the population of Earth twins is typically dimmer than 25, these settings lead to relatively low completeness values.

If we wish to expand our initial target list, we can change dMagLim or minComp (or both). It is important to note that the dMagLim parameter value serves as the default for the int_dMag parameter in the SurveySimulation module, which (in the prototype implementation) sets the target planet magnitude used in determining integration times for each target. Increasing dMagLim without changing dMagInt will therefore cause integration times to grow, and may potentially waste a lot of mission time. We therefore allow for independent setting of these two parameters. However, once you select a dMagInt that is different from the dMagLim, you explicitly decouple the completeness from the execution of the survey (this is not a large consideration, as the two are always fundamentally different, but is important to remember when interpreting results).

Step 5

Finally, we will fill in a few more mission details. We will make this a five year mission with one year of integration time dedicated to planet finding. We also wish to only perform detections, and not spend any time on spectral characterizations. This is achieved by setting the SNR to zero in the characterization observing mode. Right now, there is only one observing mode that is automatically generated from the single instrument and starlight suppression system (stored in sim.OpticalSystem.observingModes), so we will have to define a dummy spectrometer instrument and two modes - one for detection and one for characterization. Our JSON script now looks like this:

 "modules": {
 "PlanetPopulation": "EarthTwinHabZone2",
 "StarCatalog": "EXOCAT1",
 "OpticalSystem": "Nemati",
 "ZodiacalLight": "Stark",
 "BackgroundSources": " ",
 "PlanetPhysicalModel": "Forecaster",
 "Observatory": " ",
 "TimeKeeping": " ",
 "PostProcessing": " ",
 "Completeness": "BrownCompleteness",
 "TargetList": " ",
 "SimulatedUniverse": " ",
 "SurveySimulation": " ",
 "SurveyEnsemble": " "
 "scienceInstruments": [
 { "name": "imager" },
 { "name": "spectrometer" }
 "starlightSuppressionSystems": [
 {  "name": "coronagraph",
    "IWA": 0.1,
    "OWA": 1.0,
    "core_contrast": 1.0e-11
 "erange": [0, 0.3],
 "pupilDiam": 4.0,
 "obscurFac": 0.0,
 "ppFact": 0.1,
 "observingModes": [
    { "instName": "imager",
      "systName": "coronagraph",
      "detectionMode": true,
      "SNR": 5
    { "instName": "spectrometer",
      "systName": "coronagraph",
      "SNR": 0
 "minComp": 0.01,
 "dMagLim": 26,
 "missionLife": 5,
 "missionPortion": 0.2

After creating a new sim object with this script, we are now ready to run our simulation. We execute sim.run_sim() and the simulation progress is printed as it runs, terminating somewhere near 1826.25 days (the actual mission end time will depend on the specific observations scheduled).


It is possible for the mission end time to be greater than the mission lifetime as observations are not interrupted if they extend past the end of the nominal mission life. However, no new observations will be scheduled after this point.

We can now use the same tools as described in Running a Simulation and Analyzing Results to analyze the results.

Creating Synthetic Universes

In some instances, you may wish to use EXOSIMS’s synthetic universe generation capabilities without wanting to set up a full mission simulation (and all of the overhead that goes with it). You can do so by directly instantiating a SimulatedUniverse object. This requires only a subset of modules to be instantiated, namely:

  1. TargetList

  2. StarCatalog

  3. PlanetPopulation

  4. PlanetPhysicalModel

  5. OpticalSystem

  6. ZodiacalLight

  7. BackgroundSources

  8. PostProcessing

  9. Completeness

  10. SimulatedUniverse

While you probably don’t care about several of these, they are needed to build the TargetList, and you can just specify their Prototype implementations. In particular, the prototype Completeness implementation returns values of 0.2 for every target, and so can be used to retain all targets regardless of their actual completeness values under your selected planet population. You can create a JSON script as in Building Your Own Mission, and then read it in like so:

import json
with open(scriptfile) as ff:
     specs = json.loads(ff.read())

or, alternatively, just define a specs dictionary in your python session. For example, if we wanted to build a Kepler-like simulated universe based on the EXOCAT-1 catalog, then a minimal specification would look like this:

specs = {"modules": {
      "PlanetPopulation": "KeplerLike2",
      "StarCatalog": "EXOCAT1",
      "OpticalSystem": "Nemati",
      "ZodiacalLight": "Stark",
      "BackgroundSources": " ",
      "PlanetPhysicalModel": "FortneyMarleyCahoyMix1",
      "PostProcessing": " ",
      "Completeness": " ",
      "TargetList": " ",
      "SimulatedUniverse": "KeplerLikeUniverse" },
      "scienceInstruments": [{ "name": "imager"}],
      "starlightSuppressionSystems": [{ "name": "coronagraph"}],
      "explainFiltering": True}

The explainFiltering key will cause EXOSIMS to print out how the target list is being filtered based on the other modules. You can control this behavior by setting other inputs, as described in the documentation for individual modules. Once the specs dictionary is defined, you can instantiate your Simulated Universe as:

import EXOSIMS.SimulatedUniverse.KeplerLikeUniverse
SU = EXOSIMS.SimulatedUniverse.KeplerLikeUniverse.KeplerLikeUniverse(**specs)


The instantiation of this object will modify the specs dictionary in such a way that you will not be able to instantiate another instance from it. If you wish to preserve its form, make a copy (not assignment) of specs prior to running the above code.

You can now interact with the SU object as usual. All of the planet properties are stored as numpy arrays as documented in the SimulatedUniverse docstrings and the ICD.

Generating Keepout Map Data

This is a set of instructions to generating the keepout map for a single star system. We use the following json spec input to instantiate the mission simulation object.

  "missionLife": 3,
  "checkKeepoutEnd": true,
  "pupilDiam": 2.37,
  "scienceInstruments": [
    { "name": "imager"
  "starlightSuppressionSystems": [
    { "name": "HLC-565",
  "observingModes": [
    { "instName": "imager",
      "systName": "HLC-565",
      "detectionMode": true,
      "SNR": 5
  "modules": {
    "PlanetPopulation": " ",
    "StarCatalog": "EXOCAT1",
    "OpticalSystem": " ",
    "ZodiacalLight": " ",
    "BackgroundSources": " ",
    "PlanetPhysicalModel": " ",
    "Observatory": "WFIRSTObservatoryL2",
    "TimeKeeping": " ",
    "PostProcessing": " ",
    "Completeness": "BrownCompleteness",
    "TargetList": " ",
    "SimulatedUniverse": " ",
    "SurveySimulation": " ",
    "SurveyEnsemble": " "

We will look at the star starName='HIP 19855'. We start by instantiating the sim object, finding the ind of the star, and setting up the times to evaluate keepout at. We then construct the set of keepout angles from the json script. The instrument specific keepout angles are defined in the suppression system. We then iterate over each time step and calculate the keepout of each star stored in kogood as well as the body culprits in culprit. Finally, we parse out these culprits to determine boolean arrays indicating when each body or the solar panels are at fault.

sim = EXOSIMS.MissionSim.MissionSim(spec, nopar=True)#Create Mission Object To Extract Some Plotting Limits
obs, TL, TK = sim.Observatory, sim.TargetList, sim.TimeKeeping
indWhereStarName = np.where(TL.Name == starName)[0]#Get Star Name Ind
koEvaltimes = Time(np.arange(TK.missionStart.value, TK.missionStart.value+TK.missionLife.to('day').value,1),format='mjd')

#Construct koangles
systNames = np.unique([OS.observingModes[x]['syst']['name'] for x in np.arange(len(OS.observingModes))])
koStr     = ["koAngles_Sun", "koAngles_Moon", "koAngles_Earth", "koAngles_Small"]
koangles  = np.zeros([len(systNames),4,2])
for x in np.argsort(systNames):
    rel_mode = list(filter(lambda mode: mode['syst']['name'] == systNames[x], OS.observingModes))[0]
    koangles[x] = np.asarray([rel_mode['syst'][k] for k in koStr])

#Keepouts are calculated here
kogood = np.zeros([1,koEvaltimes.size])
culprit = np.zeros([1,koEvaltimes.size,12])
for t,date in enumerate(koEvaltimes):
    tmpkogood,r_body, r_targ, tmpculprit, koangleArray = obs.keepout(TL, [indWhereStarName,indWhereStarName], date, koangles, True)
    kogood[0,t] = tmpkogood[0,0,0] #reassign to boolean array of overall visibility
    culprit[0,t,:] = tmpculprit[0,0,0,:] #reassign to boolean array describing visibility of individual keepout perpetrators

#creating an array of visibility based on culprit
sunFault   = [bool(culprit[0,t,0]) for t in np.arange(len(koEvaltimes))]
earthFault = [bool(culprit[0,t,2]) for t in np.arange(len(koEvaltimes))]
moonFault  = [bool(culprit[0,t,1]) for t in np.arange(len(koEvaltimes))]
mercFault  = [bool(culprit[0,t,3]) for t in np.arange(len(koEvaltimes))]
venFault   = [bool(culprit[0,t,4]) for t in np.arange(len(koEvaltimes))]
marsFault  = [bool(culprit[0,t,5]) for t in np.arange(len(koEvaltimes))]
solarPanelFault  = [bool(culprit[0,t,11]) for t in np.arange(len(koEvaltimes))]

Calculating Integration Time Adjusted Completeness

This is a set of instructions to use EXOSIMS to calculate integration time adjusted completeness. Integration time adjusted completeness requires the exodetbox PYPI package to function [Keithly2021]. The only outspec specification to run with IAC that is requires is specifying IntegrationTimeAdjustedCompleteness for the completeness module. To calculate IAC, call comp_calc with the normal smin, smax, dMag parameters and additionally specify tmax, starMass, and IACbool=True. IAC requires an integration time (tmax in days) to adjust completeness by, the mass of the host star to adjust orbital periods, and the boolean indicator to calculate completeness as IAC (IACbool=True). When IACbool=false, subtypecompleteness module computation of completeness is used.

comp = sim1.Completeness.comp_calc(smin, smax, dMag, subpop=-2, tmax=0.,starMass=const.M_sun, IACbool=True)


Note that IAC relies upon the quasi-Lambert phase function [Agol2007]. This assumption is implicitly made when using IAC.